Thursday July 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
The flyer is here
The forum write-up is here
The forum video is here
Shaker Public Library Main Branch
16500 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights, OH 44120
A devastating and potentially tragic problem, an epidemic that is often ignored
What is domestic violence?
From the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center: “Often referred to as battering, relationship abuse, or intimate partner violence; it is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over someone through fear and intimidation. It often includes the threat or use of violence, and can include physical, emotional, verbal, financial/resource, and sexual abuse.”
Find out how you can protect yourself, your loved ones, your friends and colleagues.
Rep Janine Boyd (D), District 9, Ohio House of Representatives
Judge K.J. Montgomery Shaker Municipal Court
Alexandria Ruden, Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Megen Gergen, Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center
Former student, Shaker Heights High School
Sponsored by LWV Shaker Chapter, Shaker Public Library and The Plain Dealer