Chapter from Confessions of a Reformer by Frederic Howe about Tom L Johnson
Category: Tom L. Johnson
Tom L. Johnson by Robert H. Bremner
Article about Tom L. Johnson, mayor of Cleveland from 1901-1909
From the Ohio Historical Journal
Confessions of a Reformer by Frederic Clemson Howe
Confessions of a Reformer by Frederic Clemson Howe (google books)
Frederic Howe, Cleveland reformer, councilman, journalist writing about his favorite mayor, Tom L. Johnson
(to get rid of yellow marks, hit “clear search”)
Cleveland’s Johnson by Eugene C. Murdock
The Double Life of Tom L. Johnson
Plain Dealer Sunday Magazine article about Tom L. Johnson from May 5, 1991 written by Steve Luttner
Cleveland’s Johnson: Elected Mayor by Eugene C. Murdock
From the Ohio Historical Society Journal
Cleveland’s Johnson: First Term By Eugene C. Murdock
From the Ohio Historical Society Journal
Cleveland’s Johnson: The Cabinet by Eugene C. Murdock
Article about the talented people that worked with Tom L. Johnson. From the Ohio Historical Society Journal
Ohio: A Tale of Two Cities by Lincoln Steffens
A Tale of Two Cities by Lincoln Steffens (link to Google Book)
A comparison of two cities, Cleveland and Cincinnati during the Tom L. Johnson era.
Lincoln Steffens was a journalist on the national level who famously called Johnson “the best mayor of the best run city in America.”
(to get rid of yellow marks hit “clear search”)
My Story – The Autobiography of Tom L. Johnson
My Story by Tom L. Johnson edited by Elizabeth J. Hauser
Courtesy of Cleveland State University Special Collections
Tom L. Johnson lays out his philosophy. Read this after you read a more objective version of “The Tom L. Johnson Story” such as Robert Bremner and Eugene Murdock.
But then definitely read “My Story”.