“Cleveland’s Land of Promise: Rockefeller Park and the Jewish Community” by Sean Martin 2010
Courtesy of Sean Martin, Associate Curator for Jewish History at the Western Reserve Historical Society
“Cleveland’s Land of Promise: Rockefeller Park and the Jewish Community” by Sean Martin 2010
Courtesy of Sean Martin, Associate Curator for Jewish History at the Western Reserve Historical Society
Their Paths are Peace
by Clara Lederer
© Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation
For many years the only history of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens
Still worth reading
In Rockefeller Parkway, along the steep hillsides, between the upper and lower driveways of the East Boulevard, cling the Cleveland Cultural Gardens, with individual units or links, each emblazoning a distinct message of cultural aspiration each singing a song of the far away homeland of a people that is building anew and in that process of contributing of its own inner cultural and spiritual wealth.
Every gem in this diadem tells not only its own loveliness, but in reflection radiates the color and beauty of its neighbor. The teachings of Cleveland’s Cultural Garden chain are aglow with the spiritual purpose that underlies the way of free and democratic people. For surely, as it was written of true wisdom thousands of years ago:
“Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace.”
“Workers and Industrial Unrest in Cleveland”
Lecture by Henry Leonard, Kent State University
Cleveland Heritage Program, 1981
Foster Care Forum Tuesday April 18, 2017
“Is the Child Foster Care System in Northeast Broken?”
moderated by Phillip Morris, The Plain Dealer
Lakewood Public Library, 15425 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, OH
6:30-8:00 p.m. Free & Open to the Public
Foster Care Forum background links
Statistics and Report from Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services
Adoption Network seeks more than $200,000 to keep programs afloat 3/6/2017 Cleveland.com
Homeward Bound 3/1/2017 Cleveland Magazine
Cleveland exceeds goal to house 100 homeless youths in 100 days Cleveland.com 1/6/2017
The Children of the Opioid Crisis Wall Street Journal 12/16/2016
Child Services Underfunded. Drug Crisis hits agencies hard Columbus Dispatch 10/30/2016
Ohio funding for Child Protective Services is lowest in the nation WEWS 10/25/2016
More Ohio kids in foster care amid opioid epidemic Fox8 9/20/2016
A Place 4 Me launches 100 Day Challenge to end youth homelessness Freshwater 9/19/2016
Extended Support for Ohio Foster Care: Ann Fish Show Ohio Channel 6/28/2016
Gov. John Kasich signs bill to extend foster-care eligibility age WKYC 6/15/2016
Ohio Senate must extend foster-care age to 21: editorial Cleveland.com 12/8/2015
Ohio youth aging out of foster care need more help: editorial Cleveland.com 8/20/2015
Foster children struggle after leaving county custody Cleveland.com 12/1/2012
Children’s Services job takes toll on workers, families Cleveland.com 11/26/2012
Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services workers strive to save kids 11/24/2012
How transportation has shaped Cleveland, Ohio’s identity CSPAN 2016 Dr. John Grabowski (video)
The link is here
Cleveland Clinic co-founder George Crile helped meet medical challenge of World War I
Plain Dealer 4/4/2017
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Poison gas, machine guns, flame-throwers and rapid-firing artillery were among the new battlefield horrors of World War I, capable of killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of soldiers in a single battle.
Transporting and treating the flood of survivors from this carnage was a nightmare for medical personnel, most of whom who had never handled the type or number of these wounds before.
Cleveland provided a modest but important contribution to confronting this challenge in the form of Dr. George Crile and the Lakeside Unit.
Crile, who would later co-found the Cleveland Clinic, was a surgeon at Lakeside Hospital (now University Hospitals) with a keen sense of scientific curiosity and the ability to tackle medical mysteries.
The Lakeside Unit was formed when Myron Herrick, a Clevelander and ambassador to France when World War I broke out, asked Crile to organize a surgical team to come to France to study medical conditions. A team of volunteer surgeons and nurses was recruited from Lakeside Hospital and spent three months in Paris in 1915, treating more than 1,200 war-wounded patients.
Crile, who served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Spanish-American War, anticipated that America might be drawn into World War I, and devised a plan for mobilization of civilian hospitals for overseas military service.
“His theory was that a unit of medical men should be a group that has worked with each other in the civilian world so that they are a package, a unit that can be picked up in the U.S. and moved overseas . . . hit the ground running and not have any training to worry about once they get there,” said Jennifer Nieves, registrar/archivist at the Dittrick Medical History Center at Case Western Reserve University.
More World War I coverage:
Crile worked with American Red Cross officials on a plan creating 25 units at hospitals across the country that would be able to respond and serve overseas under Army supervision if the U.S. went to war.
Nieves, a contributor to the new book “Glimpsing Modernity — Military Medicine in World War I,” said Crile also prompted a review and upgrade of U.S. Army medical equipment.
“They found out that it was so outdated that some of the things were wrapped in newspaper from the Spanish-American War,” she said. “They were still using things as far back as the Civil War.”
Less than a month after America declared war on Germany in April of 2017, the Lakeside Unit — including 27 medical officers, 64 nurses, and 155 enlisted men — was headed back to France. The unit was designated as Base Hospital No. 4 and took over a former British military hospital (No. 9) in Rouen.
The unit would stay nearly two years, its ranks swelling to 42 physicians, 124 nurses and 356 Army enlisted men, treating more than 83,000 patients from both sides of the war in two hospitals.
Crile finds ‘living lab’ overseas
Nieves, curator of a Dittrick exhibit (running May through September) about the 1917 experience of the Lakeside Unit, said Crile was “the perfect person to go over there” with the Lakeside Unit.
“He saw it as a living lab,” and an opportunity to further his research in how shock and traumatic injury affects the entire body, she added.
Crile also brought along a few innovations that he helped develop.
He was among the first to use blood transfusions on patients, and taught the French how to use nitrous oxide as an anesthetic that did not leave patients violently ill (like chloroform and ether) when they regained consciousness after surgery.
Crile designed some of his own surgical clamps and forceps, and while overseas discovered that sea water could be used when saline was in short supply to stabilize patients.
His surgical techniques . . . become critical in treating massive numbers of wounded.
Even before the war, “what makes him so fascinating is because he is unconsciously anticipating a modern application of all his surgical techniques that will become critical in treating massive numbers of wounded, particularly wounds coming out of World War I that had never been seen before,” said James Banks, director of the Crile Archive Center for History Education.
The center is a repository of materials about the famous Cleveland surgeon and World War I, located on the west campus of Cuyahoga Community College in Parma (formerly the site of an Army hospital named for Crile during World War II).
Banks said that in touring battlefront aid stations during the war, he was amazed at the number of soldiers who had died without a mark on them. Suspecting that the blast of exploding artillery shells might have been involved, Crile conducted experiments using stray animals.
Part of Dr. George Crile’s work during World War I involved studying the concussive effect of artillery. (AP photo)”Sure enough, if they were in the direct line of a concussive blast, they were killed,” Banks said.
Crile wrote that the “concussive effect of exploding shells . . . shocks the ear, shakes the body and often produces a molecular change in nervous tissue . . . rupturing blood vessels in the central nervous system causing sudden death.”
“The essence of George Crile was his insatiable curiosity,” Banks said. Because of it, “he was able to do a number of remarkable things.”
Banks believes that Crile was in his natural element during the war. “It’s the excitement, it’s the fact that this is a whole laboratory of testing the human spirit, its physiological capabilities,” he said.
In Crile’s study of how shock resulting from traumatic injury could cause death, he developed a rubber suit fitted to patients that could be constricted with a bicycle pump to prevent loss of blood pressure, according to Banks.
“He was the first one to recognize the correlation between shock and the lowering of blood pressure,” Banks said.
Crile recognized the importance of transporting wounded soldiers as quickly as possible to medical treatment to gain the upper hand against infection, a scourge of the front. “What he’s really talking about is the ‘golden hour’ (for treatment) now known in emergency medicine,” Banks said.
When a solider got hit, “he’s lying in filth, perhaps for six or seven hours, in the vermin-infested, bacterial-laden soil of a trench or No Man’s Land, so he’s being jostled every time he’s moved, and who knows what’s happening inside his body?” Banks said.Combat stress affected everyone
Crile also studied the effects of stress on the body, resulting from prolonged exposure to combat. The surgeon once wrote: “I have observed soldiers in the trenches show unusual lines of strain upon their faces, giving them the appearance of being from five to ten years older than their actual ages.”
“Crile saw that in any kind of sustained warfare, the body is put through a tremendous amount of physical stress. Which he believed was linked to neurological stress,” Banks said. “What Crile is really, in a sense, stumbling on is the precursor to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).”
But Crile and members of the Lakeside Unit weren’t immune to the psychological impact of war.
One unit member, Sgt. Robert Shrimplin, of Cleveland, wrote home: “It surely is pathetic to see these fellows when they come in, covered with mud and blood, and yet with few whimpers or apparent pain.”
Nieves noted that among the unit personnel, “sometimes they found it very difficult because, of course, they saw a lot of young men being severely injured, and there were injuries we had never seen before.”
Nurses were advised “not to become too attached to some of these young men because chances are they’re not going to survive,” Nieves said.
Even Crile “did get emotional when he came back to Cleveland in 1915,” she added. “He did comment in his diary pretty much what you hear soldiers say today – You’re coming back to something to something that’s now foreign to you because you are not ducking and worrying about the next bomb exploding over your head.
“He definitely did feel there was a huge difference between what he had experience and what he was coming home to,” she said.
But, “I think he felt it was sort-of his duty,” she added. For Crile and the Lakeside Unit, “it was a huge patriotic endeavor.”
Pittsburgh’s growth hampered by death rate, ’empty generation’ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 4/3/2017
The link is here
It’s hard to win a fight with one arm tied behind your back, and an equivalent demographic handicap is stymieing the Pittsburgh region’s growth.
Population estimates for July 2016 released by the U.S. Census Bureau last month showed a fourth consecutive year of decline for the seven-county metropolitan area — a loss of 8,972 most recently. While a relatively slow-growing local jobs market is one rational explanation, Pittsburghers are often puzzled that a seemingly vibrant city drawing national buzz isn’t gaining population like most large cities.
Here’s a local demographic aberration that has to be taken into account: We die more often than give birth.
For a full two decades since 1996, in a trend showing no signs of abating, the unusually aged metropolitan area of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties has had more deaths than births. The gap is 2,500 or more annually in a morbid imbalance matched by no comparably sized urban center in America.
If the region is to grow, it will take immigration from other parts of the country or from other nations to compensate for that natural shortfall. Most years, including the most recent ones, there is a net gain internationally but not domestically. The Census Bureau estimated that from 2015 to 2016, the Pittsburgh metro had 4,187 more deaths than births; suffered a net loss of 7,652 people to other parts of the U.S.; and gained 4,023 people via international exchange.
While efforts to attract more people from elsewhere are often discussed by civic officials, their capacity to stop residents already here from dying or coax them into abundant procreation is limited. The natural population decline is an inevitable result of so many working-age people having left during southwestern Pennsylvania’s 1970s-1980s manufacturing collapse. Not only did those people leave, but the kids they had — who would in many cases be in their child-bearing years now — aren’t here either.
“It will take a while to work through the echoes of the past,” said Chuck Imbrogno, models and data manager for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, a 10-county planning group. “The trend we saw was the population hollowed out, the older population stayed, the younger residents with families left for greener pastures, and it’s almost like we have an empty generation in the region.”
Census data indicate 18.7 percent of the metropolitan area’s population is 65 or older, compared to 14.9 percent nationally. It’s a big gap, but actually less so than in 2000, when older adults made up 17.7 percent of the local population but only 12.4 percent nationally. The aging of the U.S. population is gradually catching up to the Pittsburgh area’s longtime lead.
It’s birth rather than death patterns for which the region is most unusual. The 27,000 deaths annually in the seven counties are equivalent to a generation ago, in the early 1990s. Deaths nationally, meanwhile, have seen a small, gradual uptick.
But in the past quarter century, the number of babies being born in the metro has plummeted 25 percent, from about 32,000 annually to 24,000. The sharpest downturn was during the 1990s before leveling off during the past decade. The number of births nationally has also declined since 1990 — from shifts in age composition and child-rearing tendencies — but only slightly, from about 4.2 million to 4 million.
The skewed local demographics make Pittsburgh an outlier by many measurements. Since the 2010 national census head count, the Pittsburgh region is estimated to have had 20,597 more deaths than births, while no metro outside of Florida has had a natural decrease of even half that.
Among 48 metropolitan areas that have had more deaths than births in that span, the rest are almost all either retirement meccas or much smaller Rust Belt areas with their own migration/aging issues, including four others in Pennsylvania: Altoona, Bloomsburg, Johnstown and Scranton.
Herbert Smith, director of the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania, sees the Pennsylvania communities as severely challenged in achieving population turnarounds, given their demographic imbalances in addition to the economic factors that have created out-migration.
While Pittsburgh’s growing universities have done a good job of attracting more young people to the city, he said, if they leave to build careers elsewhere, it means they are likely gone before having their children. The more educated that women are, the later they tend to postpone childbirth. Among other hurdles, census data show Pittsburgh region women of child-bearing age give birth less often than is the case elsewhere — 48 per 1,000 women in a year compared to 53 nationally.
“You have a set of factors where not enough people are coming in, there’s not enough international migration coming in, the population is old compared to other places and you can’t trick those people who are young into having babies now, because they’re waiting to do so,” said Mr. Smith, a sociology professor.
One might think obstetricians would be fleeing the area in search of more fertile pastures elsewhere to practice their specialty, given all the demographic data. Dozens of maternity wards have closed across Pennsylvania since the 1990s, with units at Allegheny General Hospital, UPMC Shadyside and UPMC McKeesport among them.
But other financial and strategic considerations besides demographics factor into decisions to operate obstetrics units, said Dr. Allan Klapper, Allegheny Health Network’s chairman of obstetrics and gynecology. He said AHN’s maternity operations have thrived in recent years. including the region’s first new unit in decades at Jefferson Hospital serving the South Hills.
If there’s reason to be concerned about local demographics and the number of babies being produced, said Dr. Klapper, “we haven’t seen it. … Maybe over the next 15 or 25 years we may have to adjust to volume shifts from changing demographics, but hopefully the younger population will grow from new industries coming in.”
Officials from UPMC, whose Magee-Womens Hospital is the largest birthing center in the region, did not respond to a request for comment.
Despite the deaths-over-births equation, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s population forecasts hold out hope for growth in the region.
Mr. Imbrogno said he did not have a breakdown on how the natural population change component compares with the migration components in the forecasting, but overall, its models suggest that the population in the SPC’s 10-county region — which includes Greene, Lawrence and Indiana counties in addition to the metro — will increase between 2015 and 2020 and in each successive five-year period through 2040.
Gary Rotstein: grotstein@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1255.
“Tremont: A Product of Its Past, a Piece of Its Future” by Tara Vanta from Belt Magazine
“30 Vintage Photos of Playhouse Square’s Heyday and (Temporary) Demise” Cleveland Scene March 2016
“The Irish in Cleveland: a history” Cleveland.com 3.17.2016