5 Days That Shook City Council Plain Dealer November 15, 1981
An analysis of the failed attempt to wrest control of Cleveland City Council during November 1981
The first link is here
The second link is here
Ohio Gun Laws: What are our options? a forum on July 17, 2018
The post summary of forum is here
Tuesday July 17, 2018
“Ohio Gun Laws: What are our options?”
Heights Public Library Main 7-8:30pm
Representatives from:
League of Women Voters of Ohio Lobby Corps
Moms Demand Action
Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Ohioans for Gun Safety
moderated by
Darrielle Snipes, Ideastream/WCPN
All open to the public. Please contact if you have questions about any of these events: teachingcleveland@earthlink.net
The link to the book is here
Curated and designed by Bill Barrow and Donna Stewart, originators of the Cleveland Memory Project at Cleveland State University’s Michael Schwartz Library, the exhibit drew on that library’s Special Collections, but it also featured newly created artworks and video, and material from a remarkable array of community partners, including
- the Cleveland Museum of Art
- IdeaStream
- the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
- the Cleveland International Film Festival
- the Rock Hall
- the Tower City archives, and even
- the late lamented Cleveland Pickle Company.
No dry, dusty museum piece, the exhibition was an affectionate and informative look at the role of the tower in the life of the city.
“Women in Politics: How to get more women to run for office in Ohio” a forum on May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018 7-8:30pm
“Women in Politics: How to get more women to run for office in Ohio”
moderated by Mary Kilpatrick, Reporter, Cleveland.com
The Cleveland.com post forum summary is here
The video is here
Women make up over 51% of the voting electorate and yet men still far outnumber women in elected office in Ohio and across the country. This forum will explore options for increasing the number of women who run and hold elected office, particularly in Ohio.
Karen Beckwith, PhD, Flora Stone Mather Professor and Chair Department of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University
Christina Hagan, Ohio House of Representatives, (R) 50th District
Nina Turner, President, “Our Revolution, former Ohio State Senator, Cleveland Councilperson
Cost: Free & Open to the Public
Heights Library Main Branch
2345 Lee Road 44118
7-8:30 p.m. Free & Open to the Public
Mary Kilpatrick, Cleveland.com
Please contact if you have questions: teachingcleveland@earthlink.net
Cosponsored by
Case Western Reserve University Siegal Lifelong Learning Program, League of Women Voters-Greater Cleveland, Cleveland.com/Plain Dealer plus Heights, Lakewood, Shaker and Cuyahoga County Library Systems.
Corporate Sponsor: First Interstate, Ltd.
Read The Plain Dealer’s 2007 series on Northeast Ohio’s push towards a regional government
The Soviet Table; or The Rise of Civilization in Cleveland by John W. Raper
The Soviet Table; or The Rise of Civilization in Cleveland by John W. Raper
1935 humor/satire book written by Cleveland newspaper columnist Jack W. Raper
Cleveland Public Library
LWV-West Shore Chapter Chipotle Fundraiser coupon
LWV-West Shore Chapter Chipotle Fundraiser coupon
Saturday April 27, 2019 4-8p.m.
Print and bring to:
Chipotle at 21029 Center Ridge Rd. in Fairview Park
Approaches to Black Power: African American Grassroots Political Struggle in Cleveland, Ohio, 1960-1966
Approaches to Black Power: African American Grassroots Political Struggle in Cleveland, Ohio, 1960-1966
David M. Swiderski
University of Massachusetts Amherst, dswiderski@gmail.com
InfoCision Stadium Alumni Welcome Center
The forum will be held at:
5th floor auditorium at InfoCision Stadium Alumni Welcome Center
University of Akron, 375 E Exchange St, Akron, OH 44304
Entrance address of Alumni Center: 341 S. Union St.
Info on parking: still to come
Click here
Single Payer Healthcare-How does it Work? Could it work in the U.S.? A forum on April 25, 2018
Wednesday April 25, 2018 6:30-8pm
Single Payer Healthcare-
How does it Work? Could it work in the U.S.?
moderated by Ginger Christ, Plain Dealer Heathcare Reporter
Video from the forum
Some think that single payer healthcare is the answer to our healthcare problems and others think it will bankrupt the country and won’t work. This forum will explore both sides with a particular emphasis on how it might impact Northeast Ohio.
John R. Corlett, President and Executive Director, The Center for Community Solutions
Susan M. Mego, MHA, Executive Director-Managed Care, MetroHealth Partners
J. B. Silvers, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management and School of Medicine
Cost: Free & Open to the Public
Lakewood Public Library Main Branch
15425 Detroit Ave. Lakewood OH 44107
Ginger Christ
Cosponsored by
Case Western Reserve University Siegal Lifelong Learning Program, League of Women Voters-Greater Cleveland, Cleveland.com/Plain Dealer plus Heights, Lakewood, Shaker and Cuyahoga County Library Systems.
Corporate sponsor: First Interstate, Ltd.