Carl Stokes on John O. Holly from “Promises of Power”

Courtesy of CSU Special Collections.

This is Chapter 1 -page 16 through the end of the chapter

Carl Stokes discusses the education that he received from John O. Holly

For the full book, click here

I was formed by many forces. If I have been a lawyer, politician and TV anchorman, I am still a kid from the public housing projects and never forget it. I learned important lessons from (Cyrus) Eaton, even through his cool, Europeanized sophistication and crisp grooming. But twenty years earlier, when I was twenty-one, I had the honor of learning about the realities of politics from John O. Holly, a greasy haired, short, very black, homely man from Alabama who had successfully practiced confrontation politics in Cleveland a generation before anybody ever heard of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Holly was one of the most remarkable men I have known. His fame never went beyond Ohio, but he was a hero to our black community in the late 1930’s when I was a kid growing up. They didn’t call it black pride then, but if there was ever black consciousness and pride in Cleveland, it came through John Holly.

It is hard for people now to appreciate how extraordinary a phenomenon he was. He came along at a time when Negroes completely rejected any leadership from within. To be black-complexioned even minimized your mobility within the ghetto; the Negro community, with its churches and social groups, was as strictly hieratic as the brahmin structure of Boston. The black politicians of that time — and this is still true for most — learned only to get themselves insinuated into the white party apparatus. They had political expertise, but they never questioned their minority status, nor did they question being mere beneficiaries of the system rather than entrepreneurs in their own right. Other than Holly, none of them had that extra dimension it took to understand a mass politics that ignores ward lines. Even later, when younger men with supposedly new understanding came along, they too saw politics as an arena for personal aggrandizement and ended up in the same kind of subordinate status within the party system that choked off their predecessors.

Curiously, the Democrats and the Republicans were quite different in the way they worked their Negroes. A black Democratic councilman, for instance, was convinced by the party leaders that he could not go beyond the ward lines of his black neighborhood. The Republicans had a different discipline, for, I think, three reasons. For one thing, Republicans tended to function at a higher level, intellectually, than Democrats. And, being an elitist and therefore minority party, they hung together more easily. Finally, the Republicans were the ones who owned things in town, they determined what was going to happen, so they were not threatened by having Negroes on countywide tickets. From the late 1880’s until 1962, when I was elected to the General Assembly, there was almost always a black Republican legislator from Cuyahoga County, but no black Democrats, even though most Negroes are Democrats. There were those ironic effects. In 1959, a man named Clarence Sharpe, a Republican, ran for county commissioner. He carried the vote in prosperous white suburbs like Shaker Heights and Lakewood and lost in the black ghetto. His own people defeated him, not because they didn’t like him, but because he was a Republican.

In such a system a man like John Holly was almost unthinkable. Though lacking in formal education and ignorant of history, Holly understood that real power was in the hands of the man who could put the people together. In the 1930’s he organized sit-ins and boycotts and took over an absolute leadership that had all the recognized black leaders following him. Holly took on the local giants, the utility companies, and won. He put together the little guys, the Negro masses, for an exercise in confrontation politics and had clout. He raised the consciousness of Clevelanders about rights and the sheer wrongness of men and women paying utility bills to companies where they couldn’t get jobs.

Holly not only accomplished that, he formed a virtual union of the employed Negroes. It was called the Future Outlook League. It worked simply enough. Holly went to every store owner. The owner was told to hire Negroes or else he would be boycotted. Then whenever a black man got a job in that store, he had to belong to the Future Outlook League. So throughout the black community by 1940 every place had someone black working in it, and all these workers were dues-paying members of the league. So Holly was supported by his own people, and that made him independent. That was the single most important ingredient: self-sufficiency. Nobody could touch him.

When John Holly put it all together, the black aristocracy, the lawyers and doctors and schoolteachers, had no choice but to follow him. The white and black politicians and anyone else who depended on Negroes had to follow. It is a good thing the flush of victory brought with it so much pride, because it is disconsoling to realize that he had to force those black leaders to come up as much as he forced the whites to back down. It used to be marvelous to go into Holly’s office and see those old newspaper clippings on his wall. There was one with a picture taken after Holly was released from jail — he’d been arrested during a sit-in — and it shows Holly, Call & Post editor William O. Walker and City Councilman Lawrence Payne standing on the steps of the jail. What you see in their faces is pride. It’s the same kind of feeling some of the black councilmen in Cleveland had after my victory as mayor. For those four years I was in office, the councilmen and other elected black officials had an independence from the party machinery they had never contemplated.

It was not until 1948 that I really got to know Holly and learn some lessons from him. I was twenty-one I’d been in the Army during the days immediately after the war and then returned to finish high school and graduated in 1947. I got involved with the Young Progressives, the young people’s group of Henry Wallace’s Progressive Party. At that same time I had become friends with a man named Bert Washington, who had been thrown out of his post-office job for alleged involvement with the Communist Party. Bert was a local casualty of the Senator Joe McCarthy witch hunts of the time. We in the Young Progressives spent long hours with Bert Washington arguing the comparative merits of socialism and capitalism. And we’d all go to all the political meetings, especially when a speaker for Wallace or for Harry Truman would appear. We’d go to those meetings and harass the speakers for Truman and generally raise hell or get into intense discussions with the young people who were for Truman.

It was through Bert Washington I met Paul Robeson. Paul made several trips into Cleveland campaigning for Wallace. After the rally, a small group would meet with Robeson at Bert’s. There was this tall, imposing and yet gentle man, who filled the room with his presence, would talk at length of the nationwide effort to rally the workingman behind Wallace. He softly talked about the long labor struggle, the deaths, imprisonment and economic and social ostracism of those committed to raising the level of the working poor. Paul Robeson’s lessons and example heavily influenced my philosophy of government and the positions I later took with organized labor. At the same time I was going through the exhilaration of this more intellectual approach to government, I was learning the hard basics of politics from John Holly.

Holly was travelling around Ohio putting together the Federated County Democrats of Ohio for Lausche. Frank J Lausche was running fore his second term as governor. Holly’s job was to organize the black Democrats for his campaign. I went to Holly for a job, and he said, “I need somebody to drive my car.” So Wallace Connors, a friend of mine, and I drove Holly around the state.

As we’d go down the highway, I’d be asking Holly all sorts of questions. Holly loved to talk, anyway, and he was more than happy to show off his know-how, which was considerable. How do you get to the people of Steubenville? He would tell of such-and-such a leader there he knew about, and about a woman in town whom Holly had known for fifteen years and who was close to the leader, and a man who working in the Highway Department who got his job during Lausche’s first term as governor. It was like that with any town. And then when we’d get into a town, Connors and I would serve them while they were meeting. If we didn’t bring liquor with us, we’d go out and get liquor and some setups and then serve them. So we would always be in the room where they were talking. We heard the details of how to put together a local chapter of a campaign organization: who should go for the money, who would see to it that they got a storefront for headquarters, whom you should watch out for in town, who was for you, and who only seemed to be with who was working against you. This was an approach he could take in a town like Dayton, for instance, where he was working with C. J. McLin, Sr., an old, established black politician. It was different in a town like Lima, smaller and more rural, where there was no established leadership and no organization. He would have to put it together, and in those cases you would hear a lot of threats, telling people who had low-level jobs in local government they would lose their jobs, and telling others they could get a job if they worked on the campaign. All this time I would be asking Holly who was so-and-so and how had he gotten to be this and that.

Holly’s responses and the actual experience of being with him as he put together a state-wide political machine were my primary-level education in politics.

These cumulative experiences taught me to be a hardheaded realist in most ways; as one who took to politics as a duck does to water, I quickly developed a sure eye and an ability to sense the other man’s bottom line.

Such things are necessary for political success. And yet that success is hollow without commitment to some social goal that carries a man beyond his own petty concerns. This is the paradox of political reality: the mainstream (what most people do most of the time) is a flowing system for mediating petty concerns, and the man who tampers with it does so at his peril; whenever he tries to divert its energies for the purposes of the disenfranchised, the poor, he finds himself on the wrong side of the floodgates. Underneath all the high talk, the campaign promises, the idealist theories, politicians are mostly interested in perpetuating their privileged positions. No matter how well a man understands this, no matter how hard he is, if he fights for the have-nots he will find himself alienated from most of his fellows, and they will do their level best to wear them down, to break him. He may, if he is good enough or sharp enough or powerful enough, win some particular and even important victories. But eventually, he will be driven out.

Cyrus Eaton may have an empire of his own, but to his colleagues he is a pariah. When the energies of the Future Outlook League began to dissipate, Holly’s independence began to crumble. The traditional politicians were able to break him and bring him into their fold. Robeson left the country. I am writing this book.




Future Outlook League from the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History

The link is here

The FUTURE OUTLOOK LEAGUE was formed in Feb. 1935 to help obtain jobs for African Americans residing in the Central area. Dissatisfied with the employment accomplishments of existing organizations, JOHN O. HOLLY, who later held political office in the area, helped found the league and served as its first president.

Members of the Future Outlook League, ca. 1938. Photo from the Allen Cole Collection, WRHS.

Governed by an executive board and officers, the league initially appealed to semiskilled and unskilled residents and new arrivals searching for jobs. It strove to persuade white-owned businesses in African American neighborhoods to hire black employees and advocated Negro ownership of businesses. Unlike most such organizations at this time, the league promoted the use of pickets and economic boycotts, with the slogan “Don’t buy where you can’t work,” and won jobs for several hundred Central residents. From 1937-41 the Future Outlook League published a newspaper, Voice of the League, and broadened its community support as businessmen, ministers, and other professionals became members or advocates. Its activities declined during World War II because of increasing job opportunities in war-related industries. The league rebounded with several boycott and picket campaigns in the postwar years. Since 1950, however, it has been less active in Cleveland. The October 1988 dedication of the main U.S. post office building downtown as the John O. Holly Bldg. recognized his achievements and those of the Future Outlook League.

Zinz, Kenneth M. “The Future Outlook League of Cleveland: A Negro Protest Organization” (Master’s thesis, Kent State Univ., 1973).

Future Outlook League Records, WRHS.


John O. Holly from the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History

From the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History

The link is here

HOLLY, JOHN OLIVER, JR. (3 Dec. 1903-20 Dec. 1974)founded the FUTURE OUTLOOK LEAGUE in 1935 tohelp secure equal employment for AFRICAN AMERICANS in Cleveland; on 23 Oct. 1988, the General Mail Facility at 2400 Orange Ave. at Cleveland’s main post office, was named for him. Holly was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Educated at private and publicschools, he quit school at 15 to work in the coal mines, after he and his family moved to Rhoda, Virginia. The family moved again, to Roanoke,Virginia; Holly resumed his studies and graduated from Roanoke Harrison High School. He worked with his father’s Detroit, Michigan trucking business and at other jobs there, for a time attending the Cass Technical Commercial School in Detroit.

Holly moved to Cleveland in 1926 after his marriage to Leola Lee. The couple had two sons, Arthur and Marvin. Holly worked as a porter at HALLE BROTHERS CO. and later for the Federal Sanitation Company, a chemical manufacturing company. As director of the Future Outlook League, he soon devoted most of his energies to controversial business boycotts and battleswith unions. In Sept. 1941 Holly served a 10-day jail sentence for illegal picketing, but only a few weeks later was appointed by Mayor FRANK LAUSCHE to the city’s Fair Rent Committee.

Holly, an active Democrat, unsuccessfully challenged Herman Finkle for the 12th ward council seat (1937) and attempted to secure a nomination to Congress (1954). Holly founded the state-wide Federation of County Democrats of Ohio, Inc., and served as a trustee of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church and on the executive board of the Cleveland Chapter of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE. He held offices in Champion City Lodge No. 177. Holly died at Richmond General Hospital, leaving his wife Marguerite; he was buried in Highland Park Cemetery.

News Aggregator Archive 7 (2/12/13 – 7/5/13)

Cleveland Needs a Bike Summit to Rank and Fund a Flood of Ideas to Remake City Streets (Plain Dealer)


Sales Tax Rates for Cleveland and Other Major Cities (Plain Dealer)


Politifact: Approx 78% of Ohio Power Comes From Burning Coal (Plain Dealer)


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Illinois Gov. Quinn Signs Law to Allow 17-Year-Olds Vote in Primaries(Chicago Tribune)


Rotary Club’s Proposed Red Line Greenway Could Become Cleveland’s Version of New York’s High Line (Plain Dealer) 


Oberlin Debuts Community-Wide Environmental Dashboard (Public Radio International)


Despite Controversy, Internal Revenue Service Brings Cincinnati Jobs, Tax Revenue (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Cuyahoga County Proposed Charter Amendments Address Campaign Finance and Who Can Fire the Sheriff (Plain Dealer)


Will Gov Kasich’s “Jobs Budget” Add Any Jobs? (Cincinnati Enquirer)


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A Tough-Love Report From the Lincoln Institute on “Legacy Cities”(Plain Dealer)


Tall Ships Sail Into Cleveland on Waves of War of 1812 History (Plain Dealer)


State Budget Sets the Scene For Governor’s Race: Joe Hallett(Columbus Dispatch)


Kasich Lost on Budget, as Did All Ohioans: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Ohio’s Budget Offers Early Roadmap For Campaign Between Gov. Kasich and Ed FitzGerald (Plain Dealer)


Illinois Pension Debt Getting Worse, But at a Slower Rate (Chicago Tribune)


Criticism Abounds in Ohio Charter School Funding (Cincinnati Enquirer)


It’s Time to Preserve and Enhance Views of the Mall and the Cleveland Lakefront: Steve Litt (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Ranks No. 26th For Job Creation (Dayton Business Journal)


Ohio Weekly Pay and Wage Growth Below the National Average (Plain Dealer)


Academic Achievement Gap is Narrowing, New National Data Show; Black and Hispanic Students Make Academic Gains (Washington Post)


Ohio Has Several of the Nation’s Most Expensive Public Colleges, According to the US Dept. of Ed. (Plain Dealer)


Ohio’s $62 Billion Budget Approved (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson to Face Ken Lanci in Fall Election (Plain Dealer)


House Dems Push For Medicaid Vote With Discharge Petition(Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio Budget Bill Loaded With Controversy: Editorial (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Ohio Secretary of State Renews Push For Online Voter Registration(Plain Dealer)


Ohio House Votes to Ban Red-Light Cameras; Senate Vote Next (Akron Beacon Journal)


Cleveland State Univ. Will Increase Tuition But Rebate That Amount to Students Who Earn 30 Credits Per Year (Plain Dealer)


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Ohio Senate Set to Rubber-Stamp Budget For Gov. Kasich to Sign(Toledo Blade)


Akron Shakes Off Some Rust With Goodyear Tire’s Help (New York Times)


Ohio Gov. Kasich Approval Rating Highest Since Taking Office(Cincinnati Enquirer)


Ohio Kids Still Struggling With Poverty, Study Finds (Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio’s Labor Force Continues to Shrink (Plain Dealer)


Ohio’s Roads and Bridges Need More Than a Tax at the Pump, Officials Say (Plain Dealer)


College Now Program Helps Cleveland School Scholars Get into Top-Level Colleges (Plain Dealer)


The Medicaid Vote That Isn’t Happening: Tom Suddes (Plain Dealer)


GOP Tax Plan For Ohio: Fair or Flawed? (Columbus Dispatch)


Income Taxes Drop, Future Property Taxes Jump in Ohio GOP Proposal(Cincinnati Enquirer)


The Opportunity Corridor – A Civil Rights Issue?: Mansfied Frazier (Cool Cleveland)


Hard Days Ahead for Detroit Retirees (Detroit News)


GOP Eyes Sales Tax Increase, Other Changes to Pay For Income Tax Cut(Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland’s HealthLine Could Be Model for Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)


Cleveland Tech Entrepreneurs Try to Create a Community (Plain Dealer)


Ohio State’s Training of Teachers Shines in National Grading of Programs (Columbus Dispatch)


Startup City (Scene Magazine)


Cincinnati Signs Deal to Privatize Parking (Cincinnati Business Courier)


Ohio Colleges Get Mostly Low Grades From National Council on Teacher Quality (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Still is a Manufacturing Powerhouse, Report Card Says (Plain Dealer)


Dams To Be Removed Along Cuyahoga River in Cuyahoga Falls (WKYC)


Natural Gas Pipeline in Northeast Ohio Would Cost $1.5 Billion(Columbus Dispatch)


Proposed Pipeline Would Cut Through Stark County (Canton Repository)


Ohio Leaders Focus on “Selling Our State” to Keep, Lure the Young and Educated (Dayton Daily News)


Kent State Univ. Hits Freshman Enrollment Limit (Akron Beacon Journal)


Ohio Turnpike Plans to Issue $1 Billion in Bonds For Projects in Northern Ohio (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Park System Uses Wind Power to Stop Algae Growth (Detroit News/AP)


Cleveland-Area Motorists, Wary Cyclists Seek a Truce on the Road(Plain Dealer)


Voters Don’t Know Much About the Judges That They Elect: Joe Hallett(Columbus Dispatch)


Reckoning the Relative Costs of Ohio Medicaid Expansion: Tom Suddes(Plain Dealer)


Cuyahoga County Set to Take 40,000 Names Off Voter Rolls (Plain Dealer)


Can Bench Be Bettered? Ohio Supereme Court Jutice Offers Plan to Improve Judicial Elections: Editorial (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Mayor Denies Police Chase Revealed “Systematic” Failure(Columbus Dispatch/AP)


Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Says Attorney General DeWine Impeded the Due Process of the Fatal Pursuit Investigation (Plain Dealer)


A New RTA Plan for Transit-Oriented Development in Ohio City: Steve Litt (Plain Dealer)


Bipartisan Bill Tackles Ohio Medicaid Program (Associated Press)


Columbus Eyes Hefty Levy For Schools (Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio Lags the Nation in College-Going Rate (Columbus Dispatch)


Port of Cleveland Online Forum (Civic Commons)


Medicaid Effort Takes Step Forward (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Developer Plans 62-Unit Apartment Project in Ohio City (Plain Dealer)


Indian Tire Maker to Buy Cooper Tire for $2.5 Billion (New York Times)


Findley Based, Fortune 500 Company Cooper Tire to be Taken Over by Indian Tire firm Apollo Tyres (Toledo Blade)


Columbus Struggling to Lure Major Films for Location Shooting(Columbus Dispatch)


Cuyahoga County Judges to Decide Commercial Court Future in NE Ohio(Plain Dealer)


The Horrifying Inequality That Plagues Ohio Students Routes to School(Atlantic)


Low Water Threatens Great Lakes Shipping and Industry (New York Times)


Great Lakes Ships Forced to Sail Lighter Through Shallow Waters (Plain Dealer)


State Must Make Tough Decisions on Budget. Legislature has June 30 Deadline (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Medicaid Expansion: Ohio Needs It – Editorial (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Taking Stock of Ohio State Univ’s Progress (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Can’t “Play” its Way Out of its Development Decline: Richey Piiparinen (Plain Dealer)


Meet Sgt. Johnny Hamm: Mansfield Frazier (Cool Cleveland)


Cleveland Revisits 1960’s With Urban Renewal-Style “Opportunity Corridor” (D.C. Streetsblog)


Ohio Economy Grew by 2.2% in 2012 (Dayton Daily News)


Ohio Health System Exchange Details Emerge (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Cleveland Clinic Expands Patients’ Onless Access to Electronic Medical Records (Plain Dealer)


Partnership Brings Lecture Series on Jewish Cleveland (Cleveland Jewish News)


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Delta Cuts Memphis Hub. Is Cincinnati Next? (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Cleveland, Cuyahoga County Plan $350 Million Development Effort Downtown (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Drawing of Planned Downtown Projects (Plain Dealer)


Basic Needs in Ohio Cost 23% More Than in 2007 (Columbus Dispatch)


State Sen. Shirley Smith Enters Race for Cuyahoga County Executive(Plain Dealer)


Gilbert Pledges $1.5 Million to Bring College Grads to Detroit, Cleveland(Detroit News)


Ohioans Score Poorly in Financial Literacy 101 (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Connects Speakers Boost Development and Access to Lake Erie Shoreline (Plain Dealer)


Reckoning Nears For Detroit (Wall Street Journal)


Assessing the Politics of JobsOhio: Analysis (Plain Dealer)


How is Utica Shale Doing So Far? (Canton Repository)


Cleveland’s Opportunity Corridor Looks Doable, as Money Falls Into Place(Plain Dealer)


JobsOhio is a Scandal Waiting to Happen: Joe Hallett (Columbus Dispatch)


Experts Fear Pest Could Kill Every Ash Tree in North America; Ohio Has Over 3 Billion Ash Trees (Toledo Blade)


Clevelanders Should Come Join the Gigabit Revolution: Lev Gonick(Plain Dealer)


Cleveland Teachers Vote to Approve New Contract by More Than 2 to 1(Plain Dealer)


Cleveland Clinic, CWRU Announce Plan to Build New Medical Education Building on Clinic Campus (Plain Dealer)


College Interns Will Make More Money in NE Ohio This Summer, Survey Says (Plain Dealer)


Democratic U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge Applauds Gov. Kasich For His Stand on Medicaid (Plain Dealer)


Detroit Institute of Art Collection Cannot Be Sold to Help Bail Out City, According to Museum Director (New York Times)


Ohio Public School Spending Could Grow By 11% Over Next Two Years. Largest % Increase in Over a Decade (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Cuyahoga County Executive Candidate Bob Reid Announces Endorsements from Suburban Mayors (Plain Dealer) 


Armond Budish Formally Launches Bid For County Executive; Fitzgerald Endorses Him (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland Loses Powerful Voice in Powell Caesar (Call and Post)


Do Traffic Cameras Create Safer Streets? Cleveland Councilman Plans to Find Out (Plain Dealer)


Whose Vote Fraud? – Opinion (Toledo Blade)


Public, Charter Schools Team Up in Cleveland (CBS) 


Catholic Health Partners to Acquire Kaiser Permanente Ohio (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio’s Aging Bridges Raise Safety Concerns (Toledo Blade)


Kenston Schools to Accept Open Enrollment (Plain Dealer)


Northeast Ohio’s Big Fun Expands to Columbus (Columbus Business First)


Cleveland City Council Makes More, Spends More (Plain Dealer)


Shaker LaunchHouse Becoming Home for Neighborhood of Entrepreneurs (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Powell Caesar, Well-Known Clevelander, Journalist and Spokesman for Many, Has Died (Plain Dealer)


Part-Time College Faculty Fight for Better Pay and Working Conditions(Plain Dealer)


Cuyahoga County Negotiating the Sales of Numerous Buildings (Plain Dealer)


Cowtown? Columbus Home to 800,000 (Columbus Dispatch)


Nearly 100 Bridges in Cincinnati Area Need Attention (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Public Bike Rental System Proposed for Dayton Area (Dayton Daily News)


Patent Study Finds Venerable Cleveland Companies Innovating Like Startups (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Moves to Comply with 20-Year Federal Law on Voter Information(Plain Dealer)


New Ward Map Leads to Cleveland City Council Intrigue: Brent Larkin(Plain Dealer)


Traffic Enforcement Cameras Create Controversy in Cleveland (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Housing Woes Require Several Big Policy Changes, Cleve Fed Says(Plain Dealer)


Some Interesting New Ideas For Choosing Ohio Judges: Tom Suddes(Plain Dealer)


Utica Shale Results Not as Big as Expected (Youngstown Vindicator)


Plain Dealer Announces a 4-Day Per Week Home Delivery Schedule Starting August 5 (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio Senate Puts Brakes on Plan to Link In-State Tuition to Voting(Columbus Dispatch)


Is Movie Making in Cleveland Worth the Cost? (WKYC)


Cuyahoga County Executive Race Shifts Towards Armond Budish: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Jim Rokakis Takes Himself Out of the Cuyahoga County Executive’s Race(Plain Dealer)


Energy Production in Ohio’s Utica Region Soared Last Year (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Art Institute to Break Ground on Final Phase of Expansion and Renovation: Steve Litt (Plain Dealer)


Forest City Explores Sale, Joint Venture Prospects for Tower City Complex (Plain Dealer)


GOP: Tie Tuition to Voting (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Great Lakes Water Quality Improved, But There Are Still Issues, Report Says (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)


13 Cleveland Firefighters Indicted by Grand Jury in Payroll Abuse Cases(Plain Dealer)


Ohio Among Top 14 States for Tech Job Growth (Dayton Daily News)


Millennials Changing U.S. Driving Habits (Columbus Dispatch)


Honda to Build NSX Supercar in Ohio (Detroit Fr Press)


Honda to Produce Accura NSX in Central Ohio (Associated Press)


Gordon Square Arts District Welcomes Cleveland Orchestra Residency(Plain Dealer)


Cuyahoga County Plans to Aid Flat’s East Bank Second Phase (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Plain Dealer’s Amazing Kidnappings Coverage is the Papers Last Hurrah(Slate)


Cleveland School Board Should Commit to Downtown, International School: Michael Christoff (Plain Dealer)


Rust-Belt Cities Reach Out for Immigrants (Wall Street Journal)


Cleveland School District Could Boost a Residential Renaissance with a New Downtown School Building: Steven Litt (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Can and Should Beef Up Funding For Early Childhood Education: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland School District and Teachers Union Revamp Salary System to Reward Best Teachers (Plain Dealer)


Time to Think Big and to Act on Cleveland’s Waterfronts: Joe Frolik(Plain Dealer)


Ohio’s Chief Justice Wants Nonpartisan Judicial Primaries (Columbus Dispatch)


Charles Ramsey, Cleveland’s Hero (Daily Beast)


Replanting the Rust Belt (New York Times)


Database Shows Hospital Charges Differ Widely For Same Services(Plain Dealer)


Anti-Fracking Charter Amendment Defeated in Youngstown(Youngstown Business Journal)


Counties Can’t Keep Up With Deteriorating Bridges (Dayton Daily News)


Mason High Debate Team Wildly Successful Sans Coach (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Top Counties For Utica Shale Drilling (Columbus Business First)


More Than a Dozen NE Ohio School Districts to Ask For Tax Hikes on Tuesday May 7 (Plain Dealer)


Northeast Ohio Businesses Getting Super-Hero Sized Bumps From Movies Shot in Cleveland (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Transportation Costs Squeezing School Districts (Akron Beacon Journal)


State Medicaid Expansion Unlikely to Pass by January 1, 2014; Ballot Initiative Proposed (Cincinnati Enquirer)


BIG Projects in Copenhagen, Another Northern City, Offer Lessons for Cleveland: Steve Litt (Plain Dealer)


Ohio “Right to Work” Fight Likely to Resurface in State Legislature (Plain Dealer)


Kent State University May 4 Shootings Remembered 43 Years Later(Plain Dealer)


The ABC’s of the Common Core in Ohio (StateImpact/NPR)


Helping Out-of-State Students Vote Could Cost Ohio Colleges(StateImpact/NPR)


First Energy Finds Goldfish in Perry Nuclear Plant, NRC Investigating(Plain Dealer)


Ohio Employers to Get $1 Billion in Worker’s Compensation Insurance Rebate Checks (Toledo Blade)


Senate Kills “Right to Work” Plan For Ohio (Plain Dealer)


Warrenville Hts Mayor Brad Sellers Decides Against Running For County Executive (Plain Dealer)


Chris Ronayne Won’t Run For County Executive. Stays at University Circle, Inc. (Plain Dealer)


Internet Sales Tax Could Bring $629 Million to Ohio (Columbus Business Journal)


Oil Pipeline to Employ Thousands of Ohioans (Dayton Daily News) 


Free CWRU Classes Attract More than 80,000 (Plain Dealer)


Harmful Algae Blooms on Lake Erie Will Become Worse Unless Action is Taken: Report (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Public Preschool Program Lagging, Report Finds (Columbus Dispatch)


State Sen. Shirley Smith Exploring Run for County Executive (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Stops Tracking Insects. Scientists Fear a Gap in Protecting Public Health (Toledo Blade)


The Triumph of Suburbia – Despite Downtown Hype, Americans Choose Sprawl (Daily Beast)


Schools Are Buying Into Technology Boom (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


FitzGerald Has Tough Road in Trying to Beat Kasich: Joe Hallett(Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio’s Health-Insurance Exchanges a Mystery (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland’s Public Utilities Director Paul Bender: Redeemer of Dysfuntional Systems (Plain Dealer)


Ohio’s Massive Number of Elected Officials Prompts Questions (Marion Star)


MetroHealth Medical Center’s Mission is Indispensable, But It’s Iconic Towers Are Not: Mark Naymik (Plain Dealer)


Common Core Standards for Ohio Schools Questioned by Some (Plain Dealer)


Sprawl + Urban Abandonment is a Lose-Lose Scenerio for NE Ohio: VibrantNEO (Plain Dealer)


Even Wealthiest NE Ohio Counties End Up Losers if Current Development Trends Continue: Steven Litt (Plain Dealer)


Retail Occupancy in Downtown Cleveland Begins to Pick Up (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Cleveland Names “Investment Schools” Slated For Turnaround (Plain Dealer)


Chicago Ready to Roll Out Bike-Sharing (Chicago Tribune)


FitzGerald vs. Kasich in Ohio (Politico)


Ed FitzGerald Launches Campaign Against Kasich in Ohio (Washington Post)


Who is Ed FitzGerald? And Why Should You Care? (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Detroit’s Emergency Manager Still Hopeful of Turning City Around(Detroit Fr Press)


Dr. Frank Gehry? A Cleveland University Honors the Architect (Los Angeles Times)


Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion Could Use Private Insurance (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Has Made Significant Environmental Progress Since First Earth Day in 1970 (Dayton Daily News)


Cleveland City Council Transfers Management of Lakefront Parks to Cleveland Metroparks (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland-based Software Company UrbanCode Inc. to be Acquired by IBM (Plain Dealer)


Early Cuyahoga County Executive Race Hinges on 3 Possible Candidates(Plain Dealer)


Value of a Liberal Arts Degree Spurs Major Debate (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland School District Considers More School Options Downtown(Plain Dealer)


Ohio Medicaid Expansion Isn’t Dead Quite Yet: Tom Suddes (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Losing $7.7 Billion Due to Tax Loopholes (Columbus Dispatch)


For Greater Cleveland, “The Status Quo is a Death Sentence”: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


U.S. Data Show Ohio Lost 20,400 Jobs in March; Most Since April 2009(Plain Dealer)


Ohio Considering Adding Sales Tax to Online Purchases (Dayton Daily News)


Superman’s Birthday Puts Spotlight on Cleveland Roots (Canton Repository)


Nela Park Turns 100 Years Old, and General Electric Talks Optimistically About the Future (Plain Dealer)


Study Shows NE Ohio Employment Continues to Shift to Outer Suburbs(Plain Dealer)


Metro Detroit Job Sprawl Worst in U.S.; Many Jobs Beyond Reach of Poor (Detroit Fr Press)


Cincinnati “Job Sprawl” Widest in Ohio; More Than Half of Greater Cinci Jobs at Least 10 Miles From City Core (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Cleveland City Council Approves New Version of Ward Boundries; 14-4 Vote (Plain Dealer)


Columbus Schools Could Face State Takeover (Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio University Students “Raise Hell” to Protest Impending Tuition Hike(Ohio Univ. Post)


Tri-C Nursing Students Angry Over School’s Accreditation Problems(Plain Dealer)


If Other Cities Are Demolishing Skywalks, Why Does Cleveland Want a New One? (Atlantic)


Ohio’s $500 Billion Oil Dream Fades as Utica Turns Gassy (Bloomberg)


Common Core a “Monumental Shift” (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Plain Dealer Says That Print Reduction is Driven by Digital (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Seth Taft Dies at 90; Ran Against Carl Stokes in Famous Mayoral Campaign of 1967 (Plain Dealer)


Dan Gilbert: A Missionary’s Quest to Remake Motor City (New York Times)


Gov. Kasich Isn’t Playing Hardball on Budget (Columbus Dispatch)


Is Gov. Kasich Still GOP’s Leader? (Dayton Daily News)


Ohio House Could Target Internet Sales (Toledo Blade)


Ohio Tax Income Up Despite Income Tax Cut (Dayton Daily News)


Ohio Universities Brace for Sequester Cuts to Research (Toledo Blade)


Wind-Energy Capacity Swells in Ohio Amid Uncertainty (Columbus Dispatch)


The Dangers of Test-Score Worship: Sharon Broussard (Plain Dealer)


Superman at 75 video: The Story of the Man of Steel’s Roots in Cleveland (Plain Dealer)



Battle Lines Solidify in Medicaid Debate (Columbus Dispatch)


Since 2000, 1.3 Million Ohioans Have Lost Company-Sponsored Health Insurance (Dayton Daily News)


Gov. Kasich to Continue Fight for Ohio Medicaid Expansion (Associated Press)


Latest Plans For Public Square in Cleveland Include Trees, Food Pavilion and Room to Roam (Plain Dealer)


Ohio House Moves Away From Gov. Kasich’s School Funding Plan (StateImpact)


NASA Glenn to Get Funding For Asteroid Program Under Pres. Obama’s Budget Plan (Plain Dealer)


House GOP Shreds Gov. Kasich’s Priorities (Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio House Republicans Make Major Changes to Gov Kasich’s Proposed Budget (Toledo Blade)


Ohio House Republicans Scrap Much of Gov John Kasich’s Budget Proposal (Plain Dealer)


Searching for the Sequester in the Middle of Ohio (NPR)


State Takeover Begins For Lorain Schools; Cleveland Schools Granted Exemption (StateImpact)


Ohio House Will Reject Medicaid Expansion and $13 Billion in Federal Aid (Columbus Dispatch)


Grueling Work, Rich Rewards Loom at Ground Zero of Drilling Boom (Youngstown Vindicator)


The Race for Cleveland’s Mayor, Though Not Yet Begun, is Over: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Support for Ohio Term Limits Vanishing (Columbus Dispatch)


Value-Added Rankings Compare Students Academic Growth in Northeast Ohio (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland’s Habitat for Humanity Adapts Two Streets For Rehab in Slavic Village, Kinsman Area 



Power Prices Poles Apart: Dispatch Special Report (Columbus Dispatch)


LaunchHouse Scores Another State Grant (Sun News)


Decline of Lake Erie Water Levels Has Boating-Reliant Vermilion Worried (Elyria Chronicle-Telegram)


Cleveland’s West 6th Street is in for a Face Lift (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Overcrowding Still Plaguing Ohio Prisons (Toledo Blade) 


Academic Ratings For Ohio Charter Schools Likely to Tank in New Scoring System (Akron Beacon Journal)


Ohio Poor Unfairly Jailed For Failing to Pay Fines, ACLU Report Says(Dayton Daily News)


School Districts, Parents Preparing For Common Core Educational Changes (News-Herald)


For Cleveland, Climate Change Could Mean Tons of Toxic Green Algae(Atlantic)


The Plain Dealer Will End Daily Home Delivery (Poynter)


Plain Dealer Announces Reduced Print Delivery, Creation of New Digital Company (Columbia Journalism Review)


Cleveland Paper to Curtail Delivery and Cut Staff (New York Times)


Ohio Gov. John Kasich Comes to Cleveland to Make the Case for His Budget (NewsNet5)


Gov. Kasich Asks Cleveland to Back His Battered Budget Plan(Columbus Dispatch)


Ohio Retailers Push Congress to Pass Internet Sales Tax Bill (Cincinnati Enquirer)


PlayhouseSquare Aims for Bright Lights, Big City Feel With New Signage, Digital Displays and Amenities (Plain Dealer)


National Immigration Reform Expected to Boost Midwest Cities Like Cleveland (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland Forum Adds Midwest Perspective to National Immigration Debate (Plain Dealer)


Report Predicts Ever-Bigger Lake Erie Algae Blooms (Associated Press)


Gov. Kasich Signs Transportation Bill, Says Opportunity Corridor Among Projects That Could Launch (Plain Dealer)


Fish “Rest Stop” in Cuyahoga River Part of ODOT’s Inner Belt Bridge Project (Plain Dealer)


Chesapeake Expects Utica Production to Quadruple by Year’s End(Akron Beacon Journal)


Northeast Ohio Opens Up to World on Immigration (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio State University Neighborhoods Experience Vibrant Rebirth(Columbus Dispatch)


NASA Audit Says Test Facilities in Cleveland, Sandusky May Be Expendable (Plain Dealer)


Turbines Put Near Lake Erie Energize Conservation Wind Power Debate(Toledo Blade)


Low-Cost Loft Home Conversions Make Old Houses Marketable, Potentially Avoiding Demolition (Plain Dealer)


More Than 17,000 NE Ohio Homes Aren’t Receiving Water: Appear to be Vacant (Plain Dealer)


Lakewood Mayor: Biggest Threat to City is Ohio’s Own Statehouse (Sun News)


Low Levels in Great Lakes is Bad News For Shippers (Associated Press)


Cincinnati Parking Privatization Must Go to Vote (Bloomberg)


Ohio Nets $531 Million in Federal Funds to Launch Electronic Health Records Systems (Plain Dealer)


Ohio State May Freeze Tuition for In-State Students (Associated Press)


Cleveland Foundation Makes $10 Million Grant to Cleveland Orchestra; Their Largest Ever to an Arts Organization (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio Gets D+ for Spending Transparency (Dayton Business Journal)


Gov. Kasich Explores Alternatives to Medicaid Expansion (Dayton Daily News)


Cleveland’s Global Center for Health Innovation Expects Big Impact From New Tenant (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Colleges Brace For Federal Research Cuts (Columbus Dispatch)


Sequestration Grounds Cleveland Air Show (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


2013 Cleveland Air Show Cancelled Because of Federal Budget Cuts(Plain Dealer)


In Ohio, the Fog Begins to Lift Over the Utica Shale (Reuters)


Cleveland City Council’s New Ward Map Released: Downtown and Collinwood to be Divided (Plain Dealer)


JobsOhio Dispute is Common Spat That is Echoing Across the Country(Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Obamacare Will Increase Coverage and Costs in Ohio (Dayton Daily News)


100 Years Later: Dayton Forever Changed by the Great Flood of 1913(Dayton Daily News)


1913 Flood in Columbus: Hundreds Killed; Thousands of Buildings Damaged (Columbus Dispatch)


Toledo Area to Mark Record-Shattering Floods That Swamped Ohio in 1913 (Toledo Blade)


Cincinnati Plan to Privatize Parking Sparks Backlash (Plain Dealer)


Splitting Downtown into More Than One Ward Would Be a Huge Mistake: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Can University Circle Lure the Rich Back to Cleveland, Acquire a Skyline and Share the Wealth: Steve Litt (Plain Dealer)


Some Ohioans Face Challenges to Healthful Food Access (Lancaster Eagle Gazette)


Sutton’s Exit Clears Way for Fitzgerald to Run For Governor (Plain Dealer)


In 1913, a Flooded Cleveland Came to the Rescue of City Much Harder Hit (Plain Dealer)


Can Cincinnati Grow Out of Deficit? Numbers Hard to Add Up(Cincinnati Enquirer)


Ohio Legislature Makes it More Difficult to Repeal, Introduce Laws(Plain Dealer)


Pittsburgh to Challenge Tax Status of Major Health Center (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)


Cleveland’s Business Community to Support Immigration Reform (Plain Dealer)


Both Sides Agree on Tough New Fracking Standards (Associated Press)


Spend Less on New Roads, More on Transit and Fix What’s Already Built, Says Akron Transportation Chief (Plain Dealer)


All Aboard, Ohio: Editorial (Toledo Blade)


Ohio Shale Gas Development Produced Spending But Not Many Jobs in 2012: Cleveland State Univ. (Plain Dealer)


JobsOhio to Refund Public Money That it Received (Columbus Dispatch)


RTA to Study Extending Healthline, Red Line Farther East (Plain Dealer)


State Tests Require Computers Some Schools Can’t Afford (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Census Estimates Show Greater Cleveland Population Down (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Bill on Referendums Brings Back Century-Old Debate Over Citizen’s Rights (Plain Dealer)


Next Bubble to Burst: College? (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Low Water Levels Bedevil Great Lakes Harbors (USA Today)


Two Legs of Gov. Kasich Tax Plan in Trouble (Columbus Dispatch)


Gov. Kasich’s Budget Plan Lowers Aid to Public Schools, Boosts Privately Run Charter Schools (Akron Beacon Journal)


U.S. Rep. Ryan Won’t Seek Governor Nomination (Youngstown Vindicator)


Cleveland Hostel Becoming Hub for Young Travelers and Young Travelers at Heart (Plain Dealer) 


Algae Blooms Threaten Lake Erie (New York Times)


Port Authority Board Approves $90 Million Bond Deal for New Cuyahoga County Headquarters (Plain Dealer)


Drilling Industry Could Create Population Spike in Ohio (Akron Beacon Journal)


Mayor Jackson Emphasizes Education in His State of the City Remarks(Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Says City is Poised for Greatness, But Not There Yet (Plain Dealer)


Lessons for Detroit in Pontiac’s Years of Emergency Oversight (New York Times)


Cleveland Start-Up Plotter Snags Top Award at SXSW Interactive (Plain Dealer)


For the First Time, Ohio’s Three Largest Banks All Have Reached Five-Star Financial Strength Ratings (Plain Dealer)


Natural Gas Industry Drives Construction Surge in Ohio (New York Times)


More than 150 NASA Glenn Jobs Feeling the Heat of Sequester Cuts(Plain Dealer)


Cuyahoga County Airport Faces Sequester Cuts (Plain Dealer)


Detroit Mayor Dave Bing Names Cleveland-based Jones, Day Law Firm as Counsel in Detroit Restructuring (Detroit Fr Press)


Revised Ohio Transportation Budget Headed for Senate Vote (Toledo Blade)


Freeway Speed Limits May Increase to 70 mph (Columbus Dispatch)


Democrat Takes Step Towards Running for Governor in 2014 (Dayton Daily News)


Ohio Gov. John Kasich Gets First Likely Challenger: Ed Fitzgerald(Washington Post)


Sunshine is Fading: Editorial (Columbus Dispatch)


Information Kept by Our Government Should be Presumed Open to the Public: David Marburger (Columbus Dispatch)


Mayors Balk at State Intrusion (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio First to Target K-3 in Voucher Program (Dayton Daily News)


It’s Time to Stop Underestimating Frank Jackson (Cleveland Magazine)


Inaction Jackson (Cleveland Magazine)


Medicaid Expansion, Fracking Tax and Sales Tax Add Wrinkles to Busy Statehouse Lobbying Season (Plain Dealer)


Kasich’s Tax Plan: Sales-Tax Increase Raising Concerns (Columbus Dispatch)


Redistricting Reform Stalling in Ohio House (Dayton Daily News)


State Government Turning Out the Light on Information (Columbus Dispatch)


Los Angeles Frets About Low Turnout to Elect Mayor (New York Times)


Cleveland is Slowly Becoming a More Bike-and Pedistrian-Friendly Town(Plain Dealer)


How About an Ohio School Funding Do-Over?: Editorial (Plain Dealer)


Report: Cincinnati’s Pension Woes Not Unique (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Gov. Kasich’s Political Health Worsens With About-Face on Obamacare: Marilou Johanek (Toledo Blade)


Trash Mob Sets its Sights on Shaker Square Cleanup: Mark Naymik(Plain Dealer)


State Auditor’s Authority to Check JobsOhio Books Sparks Dispute with Gov. Kasich (Plain Dealer)


Court Rules Against Traffic Cameras; Ohio Considering Ban (Dayton Daily News)


Cleveland Schools Headquarters May Become Drury Plaza Hotel(Crain’s Cleveland Business)


Ohio Sees Record Number of New Business Filings (Akron Beacon Journal)


Ohio Senate Bill Would Restrict Number of Days to Gather Signatures for Referendum Petitions (Plain Dealer)


Gov Kasich, State Auditor in Showdown Over JobsOhio (Columbus Dispatch)


Cleveland Tourism Officials Say That New Convention Center Will be Ready Just in Time (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland Beats Out Buffalo as Backdrop for “Draft Day” Movie(Columbus Business First)


Berkshire’s BNSF Railroad to Test Switch to Natural Gas (Wall Street Journal)


Cuyahoga Falls Dams to be Demolished This Summer (Akron Beacon Journal)


Vacant Homes in Slavic Village to be Renovated for Rent or Sale (Plain Dealer)


Cleveland’s Homeless Newspaper Celebrates 20 Years: Mark Naymik(Plain Dealer)


A Public Boom Amid Detroit’s Public Blight (New York Times)


Oberlin College Students Rally in Response to Hate-Speech-Related Incidents on Campus (Plain Dealer)


MetroHealth System’s Economic Impact in Region is $797 Million According to CSU Report (Plain Dealer)


The Great Divide: Lute Harmon, Sr. (Inside Business)


Geauga Lake Land to Be Sold — in Pieces (Crain’s Cleveland Business)


History Could Repeat Itself in Setup for 2014 Governor’s Race: Joe Hallett (Columbus Dispatch)


Charter School Money is Big Question Mark in Gov. Kasich’s Education Budget (Plain Dealer)


Youngstown’s Improbable Comeback Attracting Attention and Creating Jobs (Plain Dealer)


Poor People in Ohio Don’t Get a Lot of Help: Tom Suddes (Plain Dealer)


Michigan Governor Clears Way for State Take Over of Detroit (Reuters)


Under Fire, the Mayor of Pittsburgh Quits Race (New York Times)


Ohioans Skeptical of Kasich’s Tax Proposals (Columbus Dispatch)


Gov. John Kasich’s Remarkable Rebound Continues in Ohio(Washington Post)


Drivers 16 and 17 Using Cellphones Can Now Lose License and Be Fined(Plain Dealer)


House Passes $1.5 Billion Turnpike Plan (Toledo Blade)


Cities, Villages Fear They’ll Lose Millions in Tax Revenue Under Proposed Change in State Law (Plain Dealer)


Ohio Schools’ Report Cards Shifting to New Format (Plain Dealer)


Can the Cleveland Clinic Save American Health Care? (Daily Beast)


Fines for Texting and Driving Start Friday March 1 (Dayton Daily News)


White House Outlines Ohio’s Sequestration Cuts (WDBN/Dayton)


Family’s 4th Generation at Helm at White Castle (Columbus Dispatch) 


Should Cleveland Own/Run a Golf Course? (Plain Dealer)


Cash Mob Bolsters West Side Market (Plain Dealer)


At 90, Seth Taft Embodies a more Decent Era: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Report Sheds Insight on Ohio Shale Activity (Columbus Business First)


A Few Fresh Signs That U.S. Rep Tim Ryan Remains Serious About Running For Ohio Governor in 2014 (Plain Dealer)


Shaker Square is Worth Complaining About and Historic District Will Get Makeover: Mark Naymik (Plain Dealer)


Honda Shifts White-Collar Workers to Marysville, OH From California(Detroit Fr Press)


Businesses Around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Preparing for “Trickle-Down” Disaster (Dayton Daily News)


Ford to Bring 2-Liter EcoBoost Engine to Brook Park, Hundreds of Jobs to Come (Plain Dealer)


Ford Moving 4-Cylinder Production to Cleveland, Adding 450 Jobs(Columbus Business First)


President Obama to Give Ohio State Commencement Speech on May 5(Columbus Dispatch)


2013 Black History Month Profiles (Plain Dealer)


Transcript of Gov Kasich 2013 State of the State Address (Associated Press)


Kasich to Ohioans: “Don’t Fear Big Ideas” (Akron Beacon Journal)


Gov. Kasich Focuses on Medicaid, Job Creation, Tax Reforms in State of the State Address (Plain Dealer)


Fitzgerald, Eyeing Governorship, Cites Achievements in Cuyahoga County(Columbus Dispatch)


Great Lakes Exposition-Type Event Envisioned for Cleveland in 2016(Plain Dealer)


How Ohio’s New Teacher Evaluations Will Change Student Teaching(StateImpact/NPR)


Ohio Tax Plan Hits Concerts, Sports, Even Bowling (Associated Press)


“Activist” Kasich Getting Mixed Reviews (Dayton Daily News)


For the Briefest Time, President Garfield was an Inspiration(Washington Post)


State of the State: Indicators Show Improvement, but Employment and Foreclosure Data Raise Concerns About the Strength of the Recovery(Columbus Dispatch)


“Frack Tax” Comes With Risk (Cincinnati Enquirer)


Kasich Budget Proposal is Balanced: Joe Hallett (Columbus Dispatch)


A Kasich Budget Dems Could Love?: Tom Suddes (Plain Dealer)


Kasich is Thinking Big and Long-Term: Brent Larkin (Plain Dealer)


Lincoln Electric’s 2012 Sales and Earnings the Highest Ever (Plain Dealer)


Ohio to Let Feds Run Health Exchange (Mansfield NewsJournal)


Medicaid Expansion in Ohio Would Avoid a $404 Million Budget Gap(Dayton Daily News)


Historic Euclid Avenue Church Will Be Razed After Vote By Cleveland Landmark Commission (Plain Dealer)


Republicans Say Ohio Medicaid Expansion is a Bad Deal (Columbus Dispatch)


Clinic and UH Will Share Patient Data With Other Hospitals (Plain Dealer)


Activists Speak Against Oberlin College No-Trespass List (Chronicle-Telegram)


5 Take Aways from This Week’s Event on the Cleveland Plan(StateImpact)


Treasurer Josh Mandel Urges Lawmakers to Reject Gov. Kasich’s Recommendation to Expand Medicaid (Plain Dealer)


Income Tax Cut, Sales Tax Expansion Debated (Columbus Dispatch)


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